You Know You Watch To Much YYH When....
1.You threaten to send Yuusuke after people who do not-very-nice things to you. (And you believe it's a dang good threat)
2.You and your sister, when getting excited about something, yell "Ohhhh!" in unison.
3.You flash victory signs whenever you're in a good mood.
4.You pose for pictures as though holding out a rei gun.
5.You enter a Karaoke contest and sing "Wild Wind" the Kurama/Hiei duet. In gi's, complete with fighting sequence.
6.You win the contest
7.You actually own a real-type plushie of one or more of the characters.
8.You get ticked off if anyone compares it to Dragonball.
9.You bought the Japanese manga and have actually sat down and tried to read it.
10.You succeeded without taking your frustrations out on inanimate objects.
11.You went throught the Japanese Manga and found the names for all the attacks.
12.Every time you see alchohol you are reminded of Atsuko or Chuu.
13.Every time you see cigarettes you are reminded of Shizuru.
14.You try to move like Hiei and only manage to trip and fall and seriously injure yourself.
15.You try to move like Hiei and suceed
16.You hide flowers in your hair just so you can pretend to be Kurama and pull em out.
17.You named your typo demon after a chibi character from the show.
18.Everytime you see a cat you pick it up and snuggle it (weather it wants to or not) and squeel, "Eiichi-chan!"
19.You glare at the owner when they try to tell you the cat isn't named Eiichi.
20.You have actually cosplayed as Botan. Make a guild devoted to one or all of them. make 1 or more websites defoted to your favorite character or all of them.
23.People like your website(s)
24.Your reading this